Disinfection services

Service description

We perform washing and disinfection of vehicles and equipment on site and in our workshops in order to prevent the spread of animal viruses and diseases and to ensure the safe national and international movement of vehicles and equipment.

We have created a mobile disinfection solution with a washing street, which allows us to respond quickly and professionally to the customer’s needs and provide service in a short time. Our trained staff is ready to provide disinfection services in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland at short notice.

We use Venno Vet 1 Super and Bacillol plus disinfectants to perform disinfection. If the customer wishes, we are ready to adjust the nature of the service as needed.

Content of the service


In cooperation with the customer, we prepare the best solution so that we can provide the service quickly, efficiently, and professionally.


We use pressure washing equipment from recognized German manufacturers Kränzle and Kärcher, to ensure a clean surface, which is a prerequisite for effective disinfection.


When applying the disinfectant, we use a foam solution, which ensures that the product can reach even the narrowest and most inaccessible places. When applying liquid solutions, there is a risk that the product will spill off the surface before the disinfection effect can take place and the action time specified by the manufacturer of the disinfectant shall not be sufficient on the surface to be disinfected. The foam, on the other hand, stays on the surface until it is washed off.

Disinfector ISO 17024

The work is inspected and managed by a disinfector trained and certified according to ISO 17024 to ensure the internationally required level of service and the customer’s assurance that the disinfected surface is indeed clean.

After washing

At the end of the exposure time, disinfectant residues are washed off th equipment to prevent corrosion.


Depending on the location of the work, we dispose of wastewater to preserve nature and the environment.

Completed projects

Disinfection services - Services - Baltic Defence and Technology

Disinfection service

Disinfection service