For further enquiry please contact us.

Lashing strap DoZurr 4000
Product code: 42504110
Dolezych lashing strap, 100% polyester, EN12195-2
*DoZurr 4000 two-piece lashing strap, profile hook
Length: 10.0m
Ratchet: 0.5m
Width: 50mm
LC 2000 daN
Brakepoint LC 4000daN
STF: 320daN

Lashing strap DoZurr 2000
Product code: 42352056
Dolezych lashing strap, 100% polyester, EN12195-2
*DoZurr 2000 two-piece lashing strap, profile hook
Length: 6.0m
Ratchet: 0.3m
Width: 35mm
LC 1000 daN
Brakepoint LC 2000daN
STF: 320daN

Eye sling DoColor
Product code: 42619762
DoColor eye sling
DIN EN 1492,1, PES
Two layer
60x7mm, sling eyes 300mm type A, green
WLL 2.000kg, length 2.0m

Lashing strap DoZurr 350
Product code: 16250350
Dolezych lashing strap with cam buckle, 100% polyester, one-piece lashing strap, EN12195-2
*DoZurr 350*
LC 350 daN
Length: 3.0m
Width: 25mm
Elasticity <5%

Lashing strap DoZurr 4000 DoMulti
Product code: 26514034
Dolezych lashing strap, 100% polyester, EN12195-2
*DoZurr 4000 two-piece lashing strap, DoMulti long handle ratchet + profile hook
Length: 10.0m
Ratchet: 0.5m
Width: 50mm
Elasticity <5%
LC 2000 daN
STF: 680daN
Please contact us
For purchase or in case of additional questions please contact us.